Fashion Marketing of the Past, Present, and Future

Examining what worked then, what works now, and what will work post-pandemic.

Madé Lapuerta
5 min readMay 7, 2020
Source: Ian Dooley via Unsplash

Boasting nearly half a million online fans and having collaborated in campaigns ranging from Bulgari to L’Oréal, Claire Rose Cliteur is the embodiment of a modern social media fashion icon. Daily, Cliteur influences hundreds of thousands of viewers with her wide knowledge of and foundation in style.

However, when Cliteur graduated from the Amsterdam Fashion Institute in 2014, the industry looked completely different from what it has evolved into today. Not to worry, though. Cliteur has kept up with it every step of the way.

For example, back in 2014, fashion had not yet capitalized off social media and technology in the ways we can observe nowadays, from style influencers to live-streamed runway shows to growing e-commerce brands. Clothing-wise, fast-fashion didn’t dominate the scene as it does to date since, in 2014, quick apparel manufacturing was just beginning its boom.

Just last week and six years later, I spoke with Miss Cliteur (online, and far more than two meters apart), to gauge her expertise regarding the ghosts of fashion marketing past, present, and future.



Madé Lapuerta

Big nerd writing about the intersection between technology & fashion. Spanish/Cuban turned New Yorker. Founder & Editor at Dashion: